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Hi there! I just got married this summer. My husband and I both teach at Northwest Local Schools, a small rural community in southern Ohio. We have two dogs (we call them our children), Harry and Ginny. I am a third year PhD student at The Ohio State University. I have been an elementary librarian for 5 years. Juggling work and school has been challening to say the least! My research interests include how Appalachian literature can increase cultural awareness.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tools I have tried

I tried the Survey Monkey. I thought this was fairly easy to use. This tool was very helpful since Dr. Lather's class had to create a grounded survey. I did not like that fact that I was unable to print. A screen popped up saying that I would have to pay for an upgrade in order to print the survey as a PDF.
I also tried the concept mapping tool-VUE.This tools seemed similar to "Inspiration," which is kid friendly concept mapping program. I think this tool will help keep my thought organized, especially for a paper, presentation, or power point. I can see many uses for this.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know about the inability to print in survey monkey. Maybe we can try a screenshot?
