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Hi there! I just got married this summer. My husband and I both teach at Northwest Local Schools, a small rural community in southern Ohio. We have two dogs (we call them our children), Harry and Ginny. I am a third year PhD student at The Ohio State University. I have been an elementary librarian for 5 years. Juggling work and school has been challening to say the least! My research interests include how Appalachian literature can increase cultural awareness.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Software Summary

Software: NVIVO
•I learned that NVIVO allows you to stream line your analysis. One advantage to this program is that a free trial offer and web demonstrations are available for new users.
•Several users of this software agreed that the search tool is NVIVO strong point. For instance, this program produces matrix tables which provide a view of the data so you can see if patterns are emerging between different groups in the study.
•This software is also valuable when analyzing literature reviews. Hyperlinks can be inserted into a document and linked to another document.
•PDF documents can be easily used in NVIVO.
•NVIVO allows you to work with documents in several different formats including: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, .txt.
•A student license can be purchased for $199.00. This can be installed on one computer and can be used for twelve months.

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