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Hi there! I just got married this summer. My husband and I both teach at Northwest Local Schools, a small rural community in southern Ohio. We have two dogs (we call them our children), Harry and Ginny. I am a third year PhD student at The Ohio State University. I have been an elementary librarian for 5 years. Juggling work and school has been challening to say the least! My research interests include how Appalachian literature can increase cultural awareness.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


This course has introduced me to several tools that will be useful when I begin analyzing data for my dissertation and for next quarter's class. I was very excited to learn about Transana since transcribing is a long, daunting task. I also liked the fact that it is cheap in price too. I think it was helpful, for me, to be able to compare a couple different tools that did similar tasks. For example, Transana and ExpressScribe both were introduced as tools for transcribing. Perhaps my favorite session was learning about Audacity and MovieMaker. I know several people that are quite good with these programs, but I have never taken the time to learn how they work. This class gave me a nice introduction on the 2 programs and motivated me to keep learning more.

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